Saturday Aug 19, 2017
Saturday Aug 19, 2017
Scott Hanson and Pat McClain answer a call from a person who has accrued a lot of debt and is curious about borrowing from his retirement account. This is followed by a question about the tax implications of selling a valuable home. Next, a conversation about the latest Wall Street approach to get you to borrow more money. Lastly, Scott and Pat welcome Denver-based advisor Keith Johnson who discusses a difficult situation where a person came to him who had received questionable advice about an inheritance.
Saturday Aug 12, 2017
Saturday Aug 12, 2017
On this week’s Hanson McClain’s Money Matters: Scott and Pat take several calls, and discuss three things that you should do before selecting an advisor. Next, they talk to a caller who wants to know how best to go about taking her required minimum distributions. Then, they talk to a caller looking to take care of his ill father for as long as possible. Later, they discuss what a financial advisor should really be doing for you, followed by a question from a caller about if she is exposing herself to too much risk.
If you have a question for Scott or Pat, you can call 1-888-2-HANSON (1-888-242-6766), or you can submit a question at questions@moneymatters.com at any time to be featured on a future show.
Scott Hanson and Pat McClain have been hosting Hanson McClain’s Money Matters radio show for over 20 years, and have answered questions from thousands of callers on a variety of financial topics.
Saturday Aug 05, 2017
Saturday Aug 05, 2017
On this show, Scott and Pat field numerous calls, including answering a question about protecting children from the downside of a large inheritance, which is followed by a difficult case where a couple is both being forced to retire early. Next, a call about meeting medical expenses during retirement. Lastly, Scott and Pat welcome HMA’s David Cox, an advisor with the company for over 20 years, who shares an important story about a long-time client who came to him with the news that she had only months to live.
Saturday Jul 29, 2017
Saturday Jul 29, 2017
The program begins with a call from a 22-year old Washington resident who wants to start preparing for retirement. Scott and Pat then discuss early experiences that led them to want to understand money. Next, a caller asks about 529 plans, what are they used for, and is there any flexibility once they’ve been funded? Lastly, HMA’s Barbara Healy visits the show to talk about the financial impact of losing your spouse, including an analysis of which decisions need to be made right away, and which decisions can wait.
Saturday Jul 22, 2017
Saturday Jul 22, 2017
Scott and Pat open the show with a recap about how Hanson McClain’s Money Matters came to be. That is followed by a trio of callers, including a person who is worried about leaving too much money to her children. Our second caller is a devoted, career teacher still carrying a heavy student loan debt load. Next, a caller from the Midwest has accrued $1.6 million, has a pension and a dairy farm, but needs some specific financial advice. Lastly, special guest Hersh Shefrin, PhD., joins the program to discuss the 2008 financial collapse and behavioral finance.
Saturday Jul 15, 2017
Saturday Jul 15, 2017
This week’s show begins with a conversation about the type of client-centric, non-self-serving advice Scott and Pat provide. This is followed by a series of callers that begins with a question about Social Security and “file and suspend.” Simply, where did it go? Next, a caller who has saved almost $2 million, but feels, based on his lifestyle, that it might not be enough. The episode culminates with a visit from 20-year HMA advisor, our Chief Investment Officer, David Schauer, who checks in with an interesting client story about health savings accounts and IRAs.
Saturday Jul 08, 2017
Saturday Jul 08, 2017
Scott and Pat reminisce about the 4th of July, then answer a pensioner’s question about when he should take Social Security. Next, a caller who is just now recovering from the 2008 financial collapse wants to know if she should buy a home or keep saving for the future. Lastly, special guest, author and demographics expert Maddy Dychtwald discusses economic trends, retirement and immigration.
Saturday Jul 01, 2017
Saturday Jul 01, 2017
A discussion about why it’s important that callers to Money Matters be able to remain anonymous. Scott and Pat take a call from a new retiree who receives money from a 403(b), a pension, and an inheritance that she wants to be moved to a new advisor. A Seattle tech employee wants to learn about “factor investing,” and why it’s out of favor. This is followed by a caller wondering how to “time” his Social Security application to maximize his benefits. Lastly, HMA advisor Lauren Williams shares an uplifting story about guiding a client through an unfortunate series of personal and professional tragedies.
Saturday Jun 24, 2017
Saturday Jun 24, 2017
The show begins with a conversation about the types of savers and investors Money Matters is most likely to get calls from. The first caller on today’s program wants to know about the ABCs of preferred stocks. Can you invest in them conservatively, and why aren’t they as popular as they once were? Next, a conversation about unscrupulous advisors, followed by a question about Section 8 housing and inheritance limits under HUD. They then take a question about the “true” value of investment property over the long term. Finally, Money Matters welcomes Emily Brandon, Senior Editor for U.S. News and World Report.
Saturday Jun 17, 2017
Leveraged Exchange Traded Funds, Amazon Stock and Dangerous Annuities
Saturday Jun 17, 2017
Saturday Jun 17, 2017
On this week’s Hanson McClain’s Money Matters: A caller asks about investing in leveraged ETFs. Next, a caller prompts an explanation of the best time to take distributions from investments, followed by a question about paying back a 401(k) loan versus contributing to a Health Savings Account. Scott and Pat then discuss the rise of Amazon stock, and how it impacts investing habits. Lastly, Hanson McClain advisor Pat Henry shares a story about a retired teacher who was sold multiple bad annuities.
If you have a question for Scott or Pat, you can call 1-888-2-HANSON (1-888-242-6766), or you can submit a question at questions@moneymatters.com at any time to be featured on a future show.
Scott Hanson and Pat McClain have been hosting Hanson McClain’s Money Matters radio show for over 20 years, and have answered questions from thousands of callers on a variety of financial topics.